Benefits of Telehealth

Benefits of Telehealth

One of the benefits of these “unprecedented times” we are living in dealing with COVID is that there has been a boost to telehealth services. Providers who never used to offer telehealth services now offer them regularly and this offers a greater chance to obtain services. There are some key benefits to telehealth and ways to do it in order to get the most benefit. 

It’s as effective as in-person services

It may come as a surprise to some people that virtual services are as effective as in-person services. Many of us have spent time on FaceTime or other video systems and quickly relax and feel comfortable when talking through a video platform. If you place your computer or phone in a position so that your therapist can see most of your body, they will get much of the nonverbal body language that they would see in an in-person session. Some people find seeing themselves on the video to be very distracting. If this is the case, hide the video of you through the program or just stick a post-it note over the video of you so you don’t have to watch yourself. 

Location is no longer a barrier

This is the best benefit of telehealth services. You are no longer limited by where your therapist is in order to seek services. This allows you to match with a therapist who really fits your needs even if they live in a different area of the state. Unfortunately, you and your therapist have to be in the state that your therapist holds their license in order to seek services. You have to be in that state at the time of services. If you are located in another state (even temporarily), you can’t be seen unless your therapist also holds a license in that state. 

Availability to be seen increases

Because you don’t have to travel to your in-person sessions, some people find their availability for services increases. Many people can be seen over their lunch period because the session takes less than an hour.  This can also reduce your costs as you don’t have to pay for gas, parking, childcare, or ask for time off from work in order to come to services. 

Privacy is key

In order for virtual therapy sessions to work most effectively, you have to be in a place that provides you with privacy. Ideally, it is also a place that is quiet, free from distractions, and where you won’t be easily interrupted. For many people, this might be harder to find than it seems. It may mean doing therapy in some unconventional places such as from your car, in a closet, or while walking outside.

Contact us to explore the benefits of telehealth today.

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